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Academic Tutoring, Coaching and Executive Functioning: Keys to Success in School

Going back to school can be daunting at any stage of life. From kindergarten to college, the road to success need not be traveled alone. Academic tutoring, coaching and executive functioning are three invaluable services that can help students stay afloat and get ahead in their educational goals. In this blog post, we will discuss how each of these components can help students succeed in school. 

Academic Tutoring (all ages)

First off, let’s define what academic tutoring is. Tutoring focuses on teaching content-based material and helping the student understand concepts more deeply through visuals and discussion. It works by providing additional support and guidance outside of a traditional classroom setting, enabling greater comprehension and understanding of material that isn't fully grasped during lectures or classes. This type of service is particularly beneficial for those students who might be struggling with specific topics or areas within a subject. By utilizing academic tutoring services, children can gain clarity about what is being taught and build up their confidence in the subject area—a crucial factor for success at every level of education! 

Academic Coaching (all ages) 

Academic coaching is another important service that helps students reach their full potential in school. Academic coaching works to develop skills such as time management, organization, motivation and building confidence, study habits, self-discipline and other aspects essential for successful learning practices. Academic coaches provide an individualized approach designed to fit the student's needs throughout their journey in education-- from secondary school to college admissions efforts; this guidance reminds them that they have the support they need through all stages of learning!  

Executive Function/ADHD Coaching (late middle school and up)

Finally, executive functioning should not be underestimated when it comes to improving educational outcomes! Executive functioning refers to an individual's ability to plan, organize tasks effectively, assess risks/rewards accurately (leading decision making), control behavior/impulses appropriately (social interactions) etc., in order to successfully complete tasks within allotted time frames. Specific strategies regarding time management, task initiation, sequencing, prioritizing, chunking(breaking things into manageable parts), and habit formation are some of the many needed tools that coaches can help to develop. For many students with attention deficits or learning disabilities this type of assistance is critical for helping them stay on top of their work - turning assignments in on time or studying efficiently - it makes all the difference! 

You might ask what to do if your kiddo has ADHD but is younger than middle school age. If this age student is struggling with executive functioning, we often suggest that they work with a counselor who has experience working with executive functioning challenges (an added benefit is that these  counselors can work with emotional regulation, too!). Alternatively, and academic coach might be the right fit. One of our coordinators can help talk through the right fit. 

All three services mentioned above are essential components for success in school regardless of age or grade level. Those who are struggling with certain subjects or trying hard but falling short may benefit greatly from incorporating these into their regular routine! Through improved organization techniques provided by academic coaches or extra focus provided by tutors—students can gain confidence back once again as well as find comfort knowing there are experts available ready to help them excel in academics!